About Wimmera Kart Racing Club
Our club, originally known as the Horsham Go Kart Club, has a rich history dating back to the late 1960s. It began with a dirt track where members raced simple homemade karts powered by Victa motors. In 1981, the circuit saw its first major upgrade, transitioning to a limestone dirt track.
During its early years, the club thrived, with over 100 members and up to 60 racing competitively across the state. The club soon moved from dirt racing to a bitumen surface, laying the first bitumen track in December 1982. By the mid-1980s, the track was redesigned and resurfaced with a high-quality hot-mix bitumen, marking a significant step forward in its development.
Recognising the need for a stronger identity, the Executive Committee decided to rebrand the club as the “Wimmera Kart Racing Club” in the 1980s. By 1987, membership was approximately 50. The club’s first race meeting on the new bitumen track took place on Sunday, June 5, 1988, and the official track opening followed on November 20, 1988, when the weather was warmer.
On December 16, 2021, the Wimmera Kart Racing Club embarked on its most ambitious upgrade in over 40 years. This included a track extension and complete resurfacing, funded by a $153,706 grant from the Sport and Recreation Victoria Community Motorsports Program.
The upgrades increased the circuit’s grid capacity to 26 and introduced new challenges for karters. 330 metres of new sub-base and track was added during our extension bringing our new overall length to 635 metres. And now for the first time it is eligible to hold State Championships.
Our new exciting circuit has a combination of fast straights and stop-go corners with 180 degree bends which makes for good breaking duels. Whats unique about our circuit is that it’s one of the highest speed circuits in the Victorian Country Series events calendar in which we host an event annually. The new layout is more enjoyable for drivers providing a fresh challenge and less fatigue.
Since the project’s completion in July 2022, the club has experienced steady growth in membership. The track is located at 650 Henty Highway, Dooen, Victoria, just 7 km from the Horsham CBD and approximately 300 km northwest of Melbourne and 435 km from Adelaide. Its strategic location places it within a 2-3 hour drive of other Victorian karting clubs.